Zennkai's Reusable Canvas Bags!

Zennkai's Reusable Canvas Bags!

It's definitely about time that we started to be more kind to our beautiful earth! 
And there was no better way to start 2020 than with our very own
Z e n n k a i R e - u s a b l e C a n v a s B a g s . . . 
that are eco-friendly, water resistant (which is pretty amazing considering where we live here in B.C, Canada aka raincouver) recyclable and the best part? 
These super cute bags are only $ 1 . 0 0 !

AND! You get o p t i o n s . . .

Option 1: The Original "Zennkai" Canvas Bag 

Option 2: The "Bad Hair Day: Ain't Nobody Got Time For That!" Canvas Bag 

Option 3: The "Messy Bun, Getting Stuff Done" Canvas Bag 

I don't know about you guys but I live for reusable bags like these ones. They're amazing for grocery shopping, running errands, going to the gym and so many more options that these bags could be useful for! 

P L A S T I C F A C T :

"11% of household waste is plastic, 40% of which is plastic bottles. A plastic cup can take 50 - 80 years to decompose. An estimated 13 billion plastic bottles are disposed of each year. Plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1 million sea creatures every year."

Let's do our part together to save our mother earth... 
So shop your favourites here at Zennkai and don't forget to purchase your $1.00 Canvas Bag! shop h e r e 
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