Dry Shampoo: What Is It? How To Use It & Our Faves!

Dry Shampoo: What Is It? How To Use It & Our Faves!

If I asked every single person that walked into a Zennkai store if they knew what a dry shampoo was and how it works, you'll be shocked that a good 30% of those people have zero idea! Yes I know... there are people out there who just haven't been introduced to the idea of dry shampoo and that's totally okay. No judgement here. 

That's why I'm here! We'll be going through the in's and out's of dry shampoo so don't sweat it. Grab your pen, some paper and let's take some notes...


W h a t Is Dry Shampoo? 

Dry shampoo broken down is basically a shampoo that reduces the need for water. So instead of using water, most of these dry shampoo's are often made from either corn starch or rice starch. In this case, they are usually transformed into a powder and typically dispensed from an aerosol can. 


Now I don't know about you but when you read quotes that say...
"I am made up of 50% dry shampoo and 50% coffee" 
I myself probably couldn't agree more AKA I live off of dry shampoo and coffee. Okay, you get the deal - let's move on! 


How To U s e Dry Shampoo

Now every product is different, so depending on the brand the application could vary but I would say the most common way to use it is exactly like this...

1. Spray the dry shampoo directly where it gets oily
(this is usually the nape, crown of the head and front hairline) 
2. Wait a few minutes for the product to work it's magic then proceed to massage it into the scalp 
3. Comb through from roots to ends so any left over dry shampoo will also refresh the ends of the hair

And then you're good to go! The how-to is extremely easy and there are endless options for you to choose from on the Zennkai website which we will get to in the next section... this ones my fave part because I have SO MANY favourites and recommendations! 

Dry Shampoo F a v e s & R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s 

c l i c k t o s h o p b e l o w 

Also comes in light tones. Let me tell you that this dry shampoo has been around and it's definitely seen its days! MO (MoroccanOil) is a classic. Remove buildup, odour and grease and even infuse it with some hydration for a refreshed, new look! 

If you want a dry shampoo that smells amazing then you've found your match! This gorgeous dry shampoo will give you instant results. It's lightweight, gives your scalp a sensation of freshness, smells good and counteracts unwanted shine which is exactly what we need it to do! 

They weren't lying when they said "perfect hair day" because that is exactly what you can expect when using this dry shampoo! Get a serious clean and get rid of sweat, oils, odour and all the other things that come with greasy hair.

If I could I would list a gazillion more dry shampoo's but I also don't want to bore you to death! So I'll leave it at my top 3 dry shampoo choices and let you browse our other amazing products by clicking h e r e 


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