Your ultimate guide to the BEST savings and perfect shampoo and conditioner specifically for your hair type & texture! Featured on this blog will be TONING, and MOISTURE!
If you don't know why you get frizzy during the colder months, let me explain. Your hair absorbs moisture from the air and, as winter air contains much less moisture than warm air, it tends to dry out resulting in puffy and frizzy hair. Unless you're going for a Mia Thermopolis look from Princess Diaries then lets solve this problem together and hunt down some of the best Zennkai products to tame that frizz!
I love learning new methods that have to do with saving time. As a working mom, I have very limited time and a crazy busy schedule. I'm sure I'm not the only one trying to balance everything! That's why I am so excited to share one particular time-saver I've learned with all of you. This time-saver is my gym bag essentials.
Spring is nature's way of saying "Let's Party!" so make sure to go where the WiFi is weak and the sun is strong! Yes, totally aware that Spring is not for another few weeks but hey, never too early to dream about a magic escape am I right?
Do you have a favorite shampoo and conditioner but come in too often to purchase the small sized bottles? Well, here's a game changer and a money saver solution for you - LITRE SIZE DUO'S.
So we have you all set up with the most wanted and the most hottest holiday packs of the season and now we want to make sure you're not breaking the bank this Christmas! Here's our top 10 gifts under $100 that will surely keep you within your budget and your family and friends hair happy!